I have a project to complete.
An evident gap that needs filling.
As I've grown older, an undeniable truth has made itself clear.
It is not inherently happy or sad, just true. I am a different person now
than I was at ten years old. At ten, I had navigational knowledge of the
neighborhood sewer system and greatly feared the fastballs of mustached 12
year-olds. At twenty-four, I slug coffee and am free to shape my world, all
while fearing landing a job that means nothing to me.
These are two vastly different people. There are very few people, dogs, or even
trees who have known both of them.
This brings me to the subjects of my project.
I have four living grandparents. This is not common for
those at twenty-four. They have webbed their love through the diapers,
dumb books, sewers, mustaches, and sweltering graduations, all for my benefit.
They know every version of me, but what do I know of them?
One of Grandpa Boyle's five rehearsed (and frequently deployed)
jokes is: "buy me, take me, give me, I want!", spoken in a very
unconvincing whiny, baby voice. Of course, this is often unleashed when,
quite reasonably, one of us asks for a spoon at dinner, or is offered a glass
of water from Grandma, but, that aside, the joke is SPOT ON. The only
version I, or any of my siblings or cousins, have ever known of my grandparents
is the one that simply provides. Almost never scolding (that’s left to
the parents), and certainly no significant help provided BY us FOR them.
They are retired. They read newspapers, check box scores, and show
up to everything early.
The unending fountains of giving that they have all become is a
testament to their character, surely, but it is NOT the whole story, and I
don't want it to be.
I've heard hearsay that Grandma Boyle grew up on a farm whilst
terrified of cows (it's genetic) and somehow was a fantastic amateur speed
skater... What?
Grandad McCarley got drafted into World War II, arrived just as
the fighting was ending, and naturally took up a motorcycle tour of Europe. HUH!?
These people have stories. Those two fun facts alone open my
brain up to all of the depth in them I haven't seen, simply because I have only
known one version.
They have stories and those stories need finding out and they need
And that's what I aim to do.
Armed with the thoughtful assistance of many friends and the
thoughtful + financial assistance of my family, I will be conducting
interviews on all shapes and sizes of people to uncover the stories behind
Alice Hannah, Ben McCarley, Mary Reynolds, and Don Boyle. The stars of
the show will of course be the four grandparents themselves. I want to
know each version of each, so that I and all of their loved ones may love them
more fully and accurately. I also hope more than anything that this will
be a gift to them, a switching of the roles for the first time ever.
Please hit me with your thoughts and advice, as I have never conducted
interviews or wielded the necessary equipment. Really, the only part of this I
have done before is a blog for a trip to Nicaragua, which is why everything
you're reading is ca$h.
In all seriousness, thanks for reading. Stay in touch.
Stay tuned.